Monaco by Eye Respect MCO003 C2 Demi Grey Tortoiseshell

In a culture where “MONACO” is universal and understood for sophistication, beauty and perfection this collection exudes beauty, quality, style and class all in these wonderful eyewear creations.
The Optical collection is named after the characteristic streets of Monaco
Roqueville: Is part of Roquebrunne. In 1355, Roccabruna fell under the control of the Grimaldi family of Monaco for five centuries, during which time the castle was strengthened.
In 1793, Roquebrune became French for the first time, changing the name from the original Roccabruna, but it was returned to Monaco in 1814. In 1804 Napoleon built a road along the coastline. This road connected the village to the rest of the Côte d'Azur, and eventually led to its merger with the smaller town of Cap-Martin.
The official eyewear brand of Monaco.